Monday, February 27, 2006

tagged :)

have been so offline that i did not realise i got tagged by Miz C all the way from Beijing. Ok, just for you, babe. :)

Seven Dreams Before Death:
1. See Italy again
2. Kiss a guy that I love
3. Publish a School of Thought book
4. Visit Auschwitz
5. Start a youth ministry
6. Have the perfect hostess' kitchen
7. Start and finish my own graphic novel

Seven Things I Can't Do In This Lifetime
1. Be perfect
2. Kiss a guy that I don't love
3. Give up dreaming
4. Give up carbs
5. Drive
6. Look anything like Stephanie Sun
7. Understand accountancy and the theory of relativity. (i tried many times and failed)

Seven Things that Attract Me
1. a man who has learnt to be grateful for all that he has
2. humbleness in any company
3. wisdom to listen
4. an ability to laugh out loud
5. ability to both offer honest criticism and honest praise
6. an open, generous, kind heart
7. Self-awareness

Seven Things I Say
1. "Okaaay, can you rephrase that in another way?" (classroom)
2. "Think...don't just wait for my answer....think!" (classroom)
3. "Wah lau...."
4. "orrrr?! Win already lor!"
5. "Oooh...!" (for good food, nice clothes, smarmy attempt to make fun of people etc)
6. "...(random made-up tune)..."
7. "I don't THINK so...!"

Seven Books I Love (guilty pleasures included)
1. The Song of Ice and Fire series (George RR Martin)
2. The Dragonlance series - Chronicles and Legends only
3. Donald Miller's Looking for God Knows What
4. CS Lewis' Mere Christianity
5. The Bible - especially the Book of John
6. Philip Yancey's What's So Amazing about Grace / Soul Survivor
7. Doestevsky's Brothers Karamazov

Seven Movies I Love (guilty pleasures included)
1. Memento - too clever by half
2. Defending Your Life - nerd full of fears and too many words gets the smart girl.
3. Can't Buy Me Love - i love me a nerd gets the girl tale. this is classic
4. Pretty Woman - honestly, it's a heckuva trashy movie that I can watch again and again.
5. LOTR trilogy - especially Two Towers, come on, its Helm's Deep!!!!
6. Before Sunrise/ Before Sunset - killer chemistry. realistic characters.
7. 2046 - did not love the show as much as i loved the train of thought it was able to spark off. would never watch it again.

all the people i could tag have been tagged....although if you are reading, SkinUp, HKGirl..I would love to see your list!:)

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Meme of Four

4 jobs you have had in your life (discounting current job)
1: Waitress
2: Burger Flipper
3: Editor
4: Designer / Illustrator

4 movies you have willingly watched more than once
1: Defending Your Life
2: The Breakfast Club
3: Can't Buy Me Love
4: Dirty Dancing

4 interesting places you have slept in:
1: 6 months in a Spanish inspired appartment in Westwood, California
2: 3 years on a mattress under my studio table in the School of Architecture, Singapore
3: 1 sleepless night at the hostel Carlito's Way, Rome
4: 1 prayerful night on a roughspun bunk in a Monastery of Silence, France

4 T.V. heroes you loved as a kid
1: Bob, the pianist on Sesame Street
2: Jem, the pink haired superstar (truly truly outrageous!)
3: Tony Hart, the artist on TV whose pet was Morph, the plasticine man
4: the guys on the Curiosity Show