Sunday, November 13, 2005

back from the dead

i have not been blogging in a while because of exam boot camp with kids and sudden attraction to bed and trashy tv. After teaching, the last thing you want to face is more words.

Post LAN gaming with ZhangZiyi, I thought I would at least attempt an entry to jumpstart the blog again. So to make things simple, I thought I would just make a list of ...

5 would-be blog entries I might have written in the past month if I had the energy to

#1: Musings on the notorious BBC brain-sex quiz
(go take it if you have not!
- So apparently like most of the ARPC gals, I have a male-ish or androgynous brain
- I scored way above average (8/10) for ability to empathise through reading body language and way below average (4/10) for ability to systemise and compartmentalise. Now I understand even more why I am a dunce at planning and organising. Tables, graphs and charts send me shivers in a bad way.
- the "pick which face you are attracted to" test was mighty disturbing. Felt like was looking through mugshots. All the faces looked like potential psychopaths to me. I think I consistently picked 'only just prefer' as options.

#2: My love-affair with "SnowWhite", my little Nano
How cool is it to orchestrate your personal soundtrack to the movie of your life? Would you be a hero in a Hollywood popcorn summer flick or a gritty independent film? How the function 'SHUFFLE SONGS' becomes a fun way of playing roulette with your reality. A mundane bus-ride home can suddenly turn into an indie-worthy moment when the theme from Eternal Sunshine comes seeping through the earphones.

#3: How I am the world's crappiest liar
Apparently I just cannot keep a poker face when it comes to keeping significant secrets. I can lie perfectly well if its for the sake of keeping your surprise party a surprise. But if you ask me to be your secret-keeper for big, bad things....I won't divulge a word but my face apparently betrays everything. I have no future in espionage.

#4: The marathon of things I want to do in November-December, my mild panic at my ability to do them and God's answer via one crazy ex-insurance agent who has made himself my personal Cheerleader/PseudoManager. The man actually gets a kick out of writing To Do lists.

#5 The coolness of the Oestrogen Brigade
An ode to female friendships and the art of bonding over Re-Bonding. How an afternoon at the hair-salon with the gals can be a great reminder of why I will always want to be a girl and not a guy.

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