Monday, July 10, 2006

Bella Italia!

Originally uploaded by neonangel.

I admit I am not much of a soccer fan but I do love watching people watch soccer. Have always tried to make it a point to catch the final match for World Cup.

Avidly gaming to stay awake, at 2am I met up with L at the National Library to watch Italy go up against France on a BIGBIGBIG Sony sponsored screen. :) It was pretty cool - hundreds of Singaporeans were there (including many school age thinks there will be many absentees today on scholl registers). Hans stayed open all night and the library threw open its toilet doors. Best public screening EVER.

How fabulous was those final penalty kicks? Everybody was screaming away at the library. Couple of German tourists were waving a big German flag for kicks. :)

Me loves Italy even more after the match. I luuuuuurve Buffon. That's one hot goalkeeper. And i dont mean his looks, k. (Although tis quite true that I find the dark, swarthy Italian look much hotter than the blond Gaellic look - In fact, P and I were musing this afternoon about the merits of Luke Skywalker vs Han Solo, Legolas vs Aragon, Cyclops vs Wolvie - I always ended up picking the swarthier, darker eyed of the two. LOL.)

Poor Zidane. That headbutt will go down in football history. and he was so cool in the first half too. :_(

Meanwhile, whoohoo! Italy rocks! So looking forward to Italy trip part 2.

1 comment:

neonangel said...

harness for Italy....LOL. I am quite capable of restraining myself thank yew very the much. Although if he is some George Clooney lookalike I cannot promise anything. Ha! :)

and nooooo....aragon is not sweaty, sticky, smelly boy. He is the King ok. dont playplay. He's sweaty cos he has so much on his shoulders.

Leggy is just a sidekick. with well-conditioned hair.
Cyclops is a neh-neh who got his butt kicked by his veiny girlfriend. heh.