Monday, November 29, 2004

I Heart SIngapore

Am currently involved in a focus group in the Youth Connect initiative as well as the Political Development Feedback Unit In the former, I am pointperson in a mini group looking at improving National Education. In the latter, I am contributing to a paper examining the issue of Singaporean rootedness and identity.

Past few weeks have been an exciting time of meeting people from diverse age groups, backgrounds etc brought together by some common notion of "we have to do something and help SIngapore".

So tonight, I find myself discussing importance of feelings of citizenship with a multi-racial, multi-religious group (which incidentally was all male)

Only in SIngapore can you find a 50 something Indian retired Lt-Colonel, 40 something Indian long-time political activist, 30 somthing Malay-Chinese corporate trainer, early 20 something Indian student / consultant and 30 something Eurasian/Indian lawyer talking about politics, race and religion with a 20something Chinese teacher (moi) in a club that is a leftover of our old colonial era.

surreal juxtaposition of Singaporean elements or what. Macham Rojak ya.

I love this country.

Yes, I say it again. Me am dyed in the wool fangirl of this little bizarro island state that is trying so hard to be a nation in all senses.

current mood; patriotic and excited
current music: 80s national day propaganda songs. heh. i secretly love those. esp. "We are SIngapore"

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