Friday, April 15, 2005

friday thoughts - postscript

Originally uploaded by neonangel.
On my way to see the Best of Asian art,
loud shrill chirps made me look under a bush
i saw a small, young mynah without a head.
Correction: it was a mynah whose neck had been twisted cruelly
twisted, so far to one side that he looked headless.
His posture vulture-like, his head held in place by plastic string and a little splinter
Knotted so ingeniously that you wondered
at the cruel inventiveness of the hands that tied it.
Freeing the bird, it hobbled clumsily to my foot, like a drunken chick.
Forced to permanently view the world askew, it no longer had a sense of balance.
So I sat outside the art museum, bird in hand, clueless as to how to help
the bird lay its bizarrely cocked head on a hill on my palm
as it it was exhausted and needful of a place to rest.
As I petted its tiny head and smoothed its delicately feathered wings
it amazed me that I had never seen a bird so up close before
It was an amazing creation of God - fragile, light, intelligent
Now horribly twisted by some arrogant, human fool, too blind to see its beauty.
In the galleries, painting after painting echoed the same theme
No matter what the style, what the medium, who the artist, what the artist believed
Every one of the works was stark in its observation of the dark heart of humanity
I carried the bird back to my school, put it in a box and knew whatever i did,
it was going to die - twisted, a parody, a joke, forced to view the world askew,
Without God, there can be no sense of balance
How much we need Him to save us and illuminate our dark world with Truth and Love!

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