Sunday, April 17, 2005

sober sunday

Pastor Chris' sermon was really powerful today - he testified about how God was working constantly behind the scenes, moving things and people in place for his plans. It was very moving when he talked about how his mother prayed for him recently to bring the gospel well to the English. This was the same woman whom he had prayed for 25 years to come to know God - and she did in a powerful wonderful way.

This small but poignant reminder of God's providence really moved me. I felt reenergised for the week ahead to do whatever God called me to do...knowing full well that the success of whatever that it was, already was held tightly in His hands.

This was kind of challenged just a few minutes ago.

My sister called me from Barcelona to tell me she and her friends had just been robbed at knife-point. The two robbers were apparently very violent and when bystanders tried to help, they got punched and robbed by fellow syndicaters in the vicinity,

My sister was throughly shaken and I felt it too. She was bawling about how she just wanted to come home to Singapore and how much she missed me. For the first time, we both ended the phone conversation telling each other "I love you, I will see you soon". I wished I could be there for her and her friends. I wanted to look after them and be a friendly face in a foreign land to them. Thank God, they were safe. Thank God, she will be making a stop in New York to stay with my brother and his wife. At least there is a second home some where in the world for her to rest before she comes back Singapore.

Hearing how violent the guys were, it really hit home how I could have lost her. It made me think how I try to escape from the fact that I could lose anyone of my family and friends at any time. And yet knowing that reality, I do not take seriously the need to pray for them - their salvation, their saftey, their health. Though I profess diffferently, this instance showed me that I still live, thinking and hoping troubles will coast me by. I don't take my family seriously enough. I have to start living with the fact that I must pray for them and must remember anytime, without warning I might lose them and whatever chance I have to love them, care for them and speak of God's Truth to them.

sigh. All this heavy stuff and I still have not done my taxes yet. God help me! :(

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