Saturday, January 28, 2006

dream dream dream

this post is triggered off by Orangeclouds' posting about her strange angry dream. Suddenly made me recall that i had the oddest dream last night - one more to add to my collection of strange movie-dreams.

I am hustling through a dark neighbourhood filled with confusing side-streets and poorly marked signposts. I am obviously hurrying "home" - wherever home is in the dream. A group of strangers run past me at one point carrying parangs. I am momentarily freaked but glad that they ignored me. Feeling tense and scared, I finally find the compound I am looking for.

In front of the compound, a guard says, "Quick, get in , get in, they are looking for people." He resumes sitting on his wooden stool, pretending to slump casually so he does not alert anyone of the tension going within the compound.

I fumble at the crusty old wooden gate, wondering where the latch is. When I finally find it and step in to the courtyard, I see a man being tended to by a woman. He sees me and says, "They chopped off my fingers."

I look at his hands - indeed, they are a mangled jigsaw of flesh. Some fingers are foreshortened, some have been crudely sewn back. His hands are an angry red colour.

I wake up.

bizarro. This goes down in the books, right next to my "Conversations with Hitler", "Japanese Samurai Household Dies in Symbolic Glory and "Attack of the KIller Cartoon Shark" dreams. They are just so way out there beyond comprehension.

My recurring dreams are simpler to understand - "Going To Europe And Discovering I did not Pack" is about fear of not being prepared. "Chinese Exam Day And Discovering I did not Study" is about fear of not being prepared (again!) and old chinese exam anxiety (yes, it still haunts me), "My Room Turns into the Temple of Doom!" is about my childhood paranoia about snakes.
I have yet to figure out what those dreams about losing all your teeth mean.

Best recurring dreams I have had would be "Travelling in Europe for a month and only waking up when plane touches down" (desire to go on more holidays) and "Cute Guy Shares Umbrella With Me in the Rain" (desire for cute guy to share umbrella with me in the rain? cheeeeem.)

Someday, it would be nice if God could tell us why he gave us strange dreams. Freud's answers just cannot make it ah!

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