Saturday, January 28, 2006

Faking Church

just thought i would plug a pretty good book I finished this week. It's called FAKING CHURCH by Dan Schaeffer. It addresses the phenomenon of how even the most well-intentioned Christian can be faking his way through his relationships with other people. Gently written as much as possible, this book is still a real jolting reminder that christians need to constantly take an honest look at why we serve and how we do so. I like that Schaeffer keeps everything very real, grounded in his own mistakes in ministry and in the cases he sees in his own church.

When I read it, I felt compelled to ask myself a lot of hard questions behind the things that I do or say. It's pretty humbling, sobering stuff and not for the faint of faith. But it is well worth a read whether you are serving in a ministry or not. :)

on the other side, I stumbled across a superduperly ODIOUS website full of self-righteous Christians mocking the works and ministries of other churches. Not gonna post their website address.

I was quite taken aback by their snide, easy judgementalism, all backed by dozens of Scriptural references. ARGH!!!!!!!! How can you look at God's words and not see? Worse of all, in the Comments section, you can read how they all pat each other on the back for being the faithful servants of God keeping the sinful world at bay. It's like "oh congratulations, you so rightfully pointed out that XXXXXXX looks exactly like a sluttish whore of Babylon on her book cover. Her eyes look exactly like a witch's. tsk tsk, she's going to hell."

ARGH ARGH ARGH. This is why 'conservative christians' has become an insult. No no no no. Why are you people doing this?! Have you not seen? Have you not heard? How many times did Jesus tell you he (not you!) will come to judge? You hard-hearted, blind .....gah! (end of rant)


The Rust said...

plank in the eye thing eh? Reminds me of a situation this week at work.

The other day I told my colleague he had bak sai in his eye. Then my other colleagues said I was too upfront with it, I should pull him aside to tell him.

I told my colleagues, it's a guy thing, and my colleague agreed with me that he'd rather me tell him directly than call him aside.

Totally unrelated to what u blogged but what's wrong with bak sai in the eye? if you're human you're bound to get bak sai in life. It would have been embarrassing if I had a bigger piece of bak sai in my eye at that moment though.

orangeclouds said...

Faking Church sounds like a good book to read - thanks for the recommendation.

N yes, your dream does indeed sound like a scene from a MOVIE, complete with Lynchian soundtrack :)

Mooms said...

The book sounds like something I should be reading now esp since cell's getting more involved in ministry. Will be getting a copy, thanks for recommendation..