Monday, October 02, 2006

Birthday Bunny Bonanzaaaaa!

Signs that the week is off to a pretty cute start.....
i walk into office and get what i always wanted for YEARS.

my own BUNNY RABBITS!!!!!! :)

they are dwarf lops - courtesy of my long-suffering partners in crime who have decided that it is ok for the office to have furry things lollop around.

they have no names yet. Although Pui Pui is becoming a hot favourite for the light brown cutie.

Any ideas? :)

yay. bunnies forever.


Wes & Jo said...

happy birthday. great bunnies. :-)


Wes & Jo said...

that would be 'fatty' and 'having a bath' in hokkien.

neonangel said...

was thinking of butterscotch for the light brown one.

but i know even if i give them semi proper names, i will descend into cutsey names anyway.

e.g. my hamster's real name is long forgotten. he is now known as ham-ham.

so far i have been calling the rabbits cute-cute, ki-ki, pui-pui for no other reason than gut-feel. haha.

and redbean: my first thought at pom pom was fatty bom bom? heh.

this is why if i had a kid he would not be getting a PhD :D

neonangel said...

forgot to reply:

wes&jo! wah long time no hear! :)

jaimeeashlee: *wave* and btw, i clicked on your bold and beautiful blog and it was unavailable :(

orangeclouds said...

hey hey happy belated birthday! glad it was bunniful :)

Wes & Jo said...

ya lor. long time no hear. good to see that you are doing good. still designing? :) drop me an email?