Thursday, October 12, 2006

Two Nudes in Repose

I have caved in and gave my bunnies official names.
Light brown one is called Flopsy aka Flopflop, Flops, flooooooopy, flopita, boy-boy, pui-pui
Dark brown one is called Mopsy aka Mopmop, mopey, girl-girl, kiki

Flops lurves to lollop around and flop around the room like the diva-leader that he is.
Mops is developing quite a personality: she seems like a quiet follower at first, happy to cuddle up to Flops and follow him around as he takes the lead in recce-ing any new space.

But when left to her own devices, Mops is a far more insidious invader of space - no corner is left pellet-less. And she has found new hidey holes i never thought existed in my room.

Privately, I think Mops is the more intelligent though morose of the two.
Flops is the happy go lucky, brash little stud.

heh heh.

Dont you just love how Mops lies down like a human being? So cute.

1 comment:

orangeclouds said...

the heading for this post is hilarious. And how cute their poses. U must be so in love :)