Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I Heart Men In Suits

...which is why I find the The Sartorialist i SUCH a sexy little blog!
It's a very cool blog by a guy in New York who takes street pictures of well-dressed, funky people that he spots in cities. I love his blog because it's not bitchy (like Go Fug Yourself. heh) and quite genuine in its love for people dressing beautifully.

I love his eye for colour, texture, lines and shapes! PLUS I love it that his choices are sometimes a little unconventional
AND he has tons of examples of well-dressed guys! I swear I never knew menswear had so many delicious looking options - there are several old, bald, portly guys in his image collection who look pretty dapper.

Every guy - I SWEAR - looks gorgeous in a well-cut suit. Mmmmm. Suits.
And every guy NEEDS an amazing looking white shirt - a short sleeve white linen/cotton that associates ya with summer sunlight aas well as a long sleeve, snazzy collared one that says crisp, professional and 'bring me home to your mama'

I think I secretly want to shop for guys.

singapore has a similar street fashion blog but its unfortunately just focused on teenagers - The Clothes Project

I am not a true blue fashionista, seeing as to how I am:
1) too stingy to buy the uber quality stuff
2) too inconsistent to dress up all the time
3) too hands-on muck-about to have manicures/pedicures/high maintenance hairdos

but I do LOVE staring at pretty pictures of people who really know how to work a look and style an outfit that says who they are. Thanks to the weather and the general bo-chap culture of Singapore, not many people care to dress up. But oh I get such a KICK (!) when I spot well-dressed people.

Okay - shall go back to reality of classroom now.

Still fantasising about my $167 Mango 1950s jacket and $119 Zara silk dress that I spotted with redbeanfish. :_(
I want. I want. I want. I need to get a more exciting life to justify those buys. haha.

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