Saturday, January 01, 2005

2005 resolution #2: to kick some serious ass, man

Originally uploaded by neonangel.
I took this pic in my first game of paintball, played in some dry grassland in California. The "chor lor" (tomboyish, ungainly) convent girl in me has secret ambitions to be a bad-ass fighter dude who can put some serious smack-down. Boo-YAH!

I always liked CS Lewis analogy of this world as a world under siege by the King of the World, and we Christians are the foot-soldiers, in the trenches, holding the line, listening to the wireless, waiting for the arrival of the true King on VIctory Day.

The Christian life is a fight to the finish. I have learnt to expect difficult decisions and hard commands to follow. Life must be faced manfully, and we must be braced to take the blows for the sake of the better world that will be ushered in by Christ.

So much is very very wrong in the status quo of our lives, our societies and our world. The cowardly thing for a Christian to do would be to do nothing, retreat and hide behind a mask of fake piety and saftey.

Personally, I want to be able to bite down and take courage to fight where I think God has placed me to fight. There are so many battlefields, and I am in varying positions of strategic strength.

I want to fight for the knowledge and peace of God within my family. I want to help spread the word of God more courageously and more spontaneously.

I want to continually subdue my personal apathy, vanquish my personal insecurities and fears. It stops me from being able to do God's work well.

I want to really fight tangibly for the causes I believe in - the apathy in the education system, the blindspots in the Church.

I want to help fight to sustain hope, joy and faith in the hearts of my fellow christian soldiers, men and women. I want to pick them up when they are down and urge them on even when all I want is to stay safe.

2005 looks ripe with challenges - my family, my cell, my students, my church, my country, my world. All are worthy of attention but I must not forget that the ultimate fight is for God's kingdom. If I forget that, then every fight disintegrates into a meaningless smashing up against walls.

Its 2005! girl, you gotta getcha lazy ass in gear and bring it on. The battle is afoot!

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