Wednesday, January 19, 2005


have been trying to do my best to play the game TuxedoDiplomat designed. I did the character designs and had quite a fun time researching appropriate looks for the 3 heroes, the flirt who dates all of them and the big baddies. I suck at the game...could not get past the Sage. So useless! Click this link to rescue the girl and execute some CHOPSCHLOCKY GOODNESS! HIAH KIAH! and win some cellphone goodies. heh

And speaking of games that i suck at: I just got royally trashed at pool by the combined duo of FunkyMonkey and ChromeDome aka Wongapolopolous. Wah lau. At the highest point of suck-dom, I totally was just pushing around six balls on the table while the FunkMunk was down to the black ball already. Enter ChromoDomo to save the day - he took over and promptly reduced it to just 2 balls in like one turn.

oooooh. and he said he was bad at pool. Bah Humbug. Let it now be known that ChromeDome is a golfnut by day and a pool hall hustler by night. Disbelieve his pithy attempts at humility! :)

I should just stick to sports I am good at: like Stray Cat Ka-Cheowing. Yeah. That should be an Olympic sport. I would so ace it.

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