Saturday, January 15, 2005

ramblings on joy: youthful energy and adult tiredness

weekend of interesting hanging out with different age-groups:

spent friday night mingling with the PUNJabis, together with FlunkyMonkey and MojoJojo in a house party / prayer meet, courtesy of the irrepressible Ell'Boy. FlunkyMonkey and me were the informal representatives of the "adult" ministries, all wrinkly and crutch wielding next to the young guns. :)

Sat night was dinner at Elder A's place where I discovered I have the pop cultural tastes of a Pri 6 boy. Was totally having an animated discussion with Elder A's 12 year old kid analysing why NeverwinterNights kicks any fantasy game's ass, the merits of playing a cleric in DND, why Legolas should never have outdrunk Gimli etc. Boy solemnly declared," you really know what kids like." ( Which i guess is high praise in context. ha! ) Was up really late with jamming friends and discovered that ABBA's disco hits could actually translate well into acoustic folk. yah. hard to believe eh. quite inspired combo.

sunday was a whole day affair at church and hanging out with the cell at coldbar and 6th avenue, discussing all things silly. Watched Singapore trash Indonesia in the TIger Cup and watched NARUTO anime (SO HOOKED!) until I peng-saned, thinking abour who was cuter - Iruka-sensei or Kakashi-sensei. yes i know. i am 28 this year. and yes, i still get cartoon 'crushes'.

Anyhoo....some thoughts:

it struck me that so many of the PUNJabis were at crossroads or turning points in their lives whether it was first year in junior college, first time telling parents you wanna pursue alternative careers, first time going overseas to study. It was really interesting hearing what they were talking about and comparing it to what the people in adult cells talk about. There is generally more tiredness in adult cells - both physical and emotional. Adult cells feel more heavy-going.

I love the deep-level, intensity and weightiness of discussion in adult cells but man, it is kind of nice to kick back and talk about young stuff again this weekend without getting comments like "wow, you still do that? i gave that up a long time ago." I have the hobbies of a 12 year old boy, i say again. :)

It was actually really heartwarming to see young christians trying to keep godly: 'Ellboy initiated a pretty cool prayer idea after dinner where people walked around and prayed over different people in the room.

somewhere along the line, jadedness and tiredness has crept into many an adult christian I know. They may not have lost faith or desire to be in church but they have lost hold of some of that youthful hope and simple joy.

is it because the older people get, the more suffering they encounter?
do the young have a certain joy and naivete that the old can never recapture?
but there are older christians I have met who still live with great joy. and in many ways, their adult-bourne joy feels even more beautiful and encouraging because there is something profound in it.

We cannot reverse the clock to a time when life was simpler and carefree.
Whatever that has happened in our lives has happened. The mistakes that we make, the painful realisations we have come to mark us as surely as any physical scar.

Joy in adulthood thus takes on a deeper, richer dimension because it is not simple, it is not bourne out of naivete. The joy that Christ talks about is one that has grown rich from a profound encounter with the Truth - that there is death, suffering, and pain; that you are profoundly sinful; that strangers and loved ones are profoundly sinful too...

All things good take on a richer hue in contrast. Those who have gone through the trenches begin to understand what is good and to be treasured with greater clarity. The mercy of God, His justice, the grace of Christ, the work of the Spirit, forgiveness, Love, acceptance, the pleasure of a perfect sky, the embrace of a true friend, the kindness of sincere words, patience...

Christianity cannot be about Happy, Shiny People who have never known a bad thought or deed all their lives. Its about scratched up, battered, bruised, dusty ones who persevere and smile because they have known a life well-lived.

Feeling joyful is a challenge in the face of everyday challenges. Can we rejoice when we have nothing but the grace of God?

Apparently so....i can only hope that i will feel joy more and more profoundly in the years and challenges to come.

Christ has put a hope in my heart that I and this world will be more than I ever dreamt....may that always put a smile on my face.

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