Saturday, January 01, 2005

2005 resolution #1: keep delight in the Lord afresh

Originally uploaded by neonangel.
When I look at childhood photos like the one here, I wonder what the kid-me would have thought of the adult-me.

I love the way babies and children smile: they smile as if everything is wondrous and precious, they smile in a way that invites others to smile with them.

I have always thought as long as we can remember to smile like a child, we have got something right.

In the photo I am smiling at my brother (unseen...must dig up whole photo someday) who is making monkey faces at my dad the photographer.

The Monkey faces cost absolutely nothing but the moment generated a priceless Delight: simple, pure, unadulterated and unaffected.

When I am 80 I want to still remember to smile like that and have that smile come from nothing more than a heart that takes pleasure in the myriad wonders of God - from monkey faces in a garage to the glory of a new Heaven and Earth.

For 2004, I give thanks for the joyful wellspring of life God has grown in my heart. The spring grows sweeter and richer each year I spend knowing Him.

Once, I had a dream where I was playing monkey bars and catching with other children in a playground. Jesus stood on the side, watching and waiting patiently. When I was done playing, I ran to Him as a child would, grabbing His hand and chattering excitedly about all the mundane trivial things just like a 4 year old with a parent. I imagine it was along the lines of "Did you see what I did...? I met so and so and I did such and such....and oh, it was so fun...I want to go to such and such."

He listened politely even indulgently, all the while, holding my hand and walking me home. He kept me on the path and I followed without qualms.

I love that dream. I hold it in my memory as a image of my walk with Jesus. Someday as we get nearer home, I hope I will finally know Him as I am known. Not just as my longsuffering guardian but as my Lord King and Saviour.

For 2005, I just want to be able to continue to delight in the Love of my life.

How good it is to know my dear Saviour. How infinitiely sweet it is to be loved by one such as He.

Lord, refresh this heart and cement childish joy and grown up hope in my smile every moment of my life.

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