Thursday, July 07, 2005

Bad Boys

Originally uploaded by neonangel.
since i have been having so many wordy entries, it's time for a silly picture break. Me in Florence, playing besotted bimbo to Hugo Pratt's legendary Corto Maltese. (There was a Corto Maltese exhibition on)

Corto is pretty much everything that Pastor Chris warned us women to stay away from over the weekend - dashing, debonair, wealthy, exciting and ambitious. Plus Corto's wicked "Mr Darcy " sideburns and pirate-y earring are just dead giveaways that he is one Bad Boy. (In the comics, Corto has a trail of international girlfriends...the fiend!) I admit - the stylishness of the character blew me away. Pratt really pinned down the suave sailor archetype he was going for.

ah well.

too bad not all bad boys are 2 dimensional paper creations so that women can stay smart and stay away from them.

Actually, you know, ... bad boys are truly two dimensional flat things. They are not that complex at the day - love them, leave them, blah blah blah angst, repeat cycle. The bad boy is not called a bad boy for nothing....he never really grows up. Their cultivated air of "deepness" is really nothing much at the end of the day.

I say give me the complicated workings of the man of God any day! Now THAT is a real 3D, REALLY deep type of man. His angst at least will be well founded on the angst to do God's will rather than angst over goodness knows what.

And as the Venerable Pastor Chris reminded us so sagely, boys and girls, ....when you see a wise man or woman of God, GRAB THEM YOU IDIOT...why let a good thing slip by for a chance with the pseudo exciting Corto-s around (and Corto-seans for that matter)!

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