Sunday, July 10, 2005

i like the new Dove Shampoo campaign that uses real life girls as models. It's about time someone outside of the Body Shop admitted the truth that real women come in all different shapes and sizes. All the girls looked good. Today's newspaper did a cover story of the girls and I liked how the Indonesian girl credited her parents focus on her body as a gift from God as the root behind her self-confidence.

We Christians need to take back our culture. We should not be part of the saboteurs of human dignity and human self-respect. Our lives, our bodies are gifts from Our Maker. We should be the last people to follow the world's lead and put down people about their looks, their age, their incomes, their career prospects etc. externalities.

The worldly culture might teach us to whine about turning 30 (40, 50, 60 etc), looking fat, having crappy bosses, life being boring etc. etc. I think it's about time Christians stood above the maddening crowd and demonstrated a new inspiring perspective about all these things. Culture is built on the collective way we behave, believe and the things we say. How little we help people around us when we affirm the world's ways with silly throwaway comments.

Turn 30 (40, 50, 60) with pride and pleasure that the Lord has brought you through 3 decades of life.
Respect and treat your nasty ass boss with a dignity that can only have been inspired by Heaven. Make peace with and treat honourably the body that God has given you as a temple of the Holy Spirit.
Stand up to the things that you fear instead of running away.
Make tough decisions simply because they are the right decisions to make.

Let your tongue shout out a whole new perspective to things instead of perpetuating the shallow, hedonistic, fear-mongering aspects of modern culture that we have today!

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