Friday, September 23, 2005

the paradox of being encouraging

Have been fascinated by the concept of encouragement ever since I read a book on teenage education reminding us to "Encourage" not "Exasperate". Pour courage and strength into those in need. Do not take the wind from their sails, remove the breath from their bodies. Pretty profound stuff in terms of the implications on our relationships.

Been reading Larry Crabb's Encouragement (from the 30% Tecman sale!) It's an interesting book on how to build a culture of meaningful encouragement in church.

Interestingly, what stood out straight away in the book was his matter-of-fact observations in the chapter labelled "The Character of an Encourager".

Paradox 1:
"We all resist being dependable. We would rather be dependent. Yet becoming dependable is precisely what christianly ministry requires."

Paradox 2:
"The more determined I am to minister, the more painfully aware I become of my desire to have someone look after me. If I am committed to helping another, then I am never free to abandon myself to another. Yet this is what my soul cries out for."

woah. You are hitting it on the head, Crabb.

"People who take seriously the goal of ministry, and who are careful to prevent their desires for receiving ministry from becoming their goals, will inevitably encounter a profound loneliness. An awareness develops that although we may share with others, we can never fully depend on others....Even if he were to scrap the purpose of ministry and actively seek to end his loneliness through others' ministry to him, he would find no real satisfaction. The best of friends will inevitably fail us, because of self-preoccupation or imperfect understanding....The human condition in its fallen state is a lonely one, and a commitment to minsiter compounds the problem."

Ouch....very honest stuff Crabb but awfully depressing. When you gonna kick in the godly way out of this paradox?

"Here's the surprising virtue of loneliness...Godly character requires knowing God firsthand. The route to knowing God eventually passes directly through the valley of profound loneliness. It is in the times when there is no one but God that we learn to know HIm most fully. Those times...come only from emptying our lives into the lives of others.

When we depend on no one to minister to us, when we thankfully accept the little encouragement coming our way from others, then the soul will feel its deepest longing - to abandon itself to someone perfectly reliable and strong.....when the loneliness is greatest, we turn in desperate dependency to God. His love penetrates most deeply when we feel unloved."

"The character of an encourager must be strong. It must be molded and hardened in the fires of loneliness when no one but God is there. And loneliness - that surprising opportunity to know God - comes as we so throughly commit ourselves to ministering to others that we depend on God alone to minister to us. His ministry draws us into HIs very presence so that we can speak to others from holy ground. Then our words have power for good."

okay, before you think Crabb is a masochist who advocates leaders getting all maniacally depressed and stoically lonely, he does write an incisive follow-up chapter called 'When Do We Tell Somebody Else How We Feel?". Fabulous stuff in there and other chapters as well - must read for every Christian but especially those in teaching or leading positions.

..but yeah, Wow. I felt so challenged and so encouraged at the same time reading that chapter.

I want to be a better encourager. It's really good that Crabb pointed out the pitfall of "profound loneliness" to come that awaits. It allows me to prepare my heart and mind before hand to blunt the impact a little.

I have tasted a teeny slice of that kind of loneliness in my maiden foray into playing at being a real encourager. It's a little scary to know I may not even have experienced the full extent of that type of loneliness yet. Am sure many pastors and missionaries have been there and done that. It certainly is a revelation to me about how much MORE we need to pray and guard our church leaders' emotional and spiritual health.

If I feel pangs of loneliness doing my small scale ministry, what on earth must be going through our pastors' or song leaders' heads when they stare out at stony faces in the congregation?

Now I know why Pastor C has been reminding us to turn up on time for church with the mindset of encouraging each other every opportunity we can - in parking properly, in waking up on time, in genuine friendship breaks, in the way we sing, in the way we listen to sermon, in the way we talk to our neighbour after sermon.

We must do so partly to encourage each other. But in between the lines... I think just as importantly, we need to do so to encourage Pastor C himself.

woah. okay. Got the message.
Am on it, Pastor C. Thanks for the heads up, Crabb. I owe ya one.


Anonymous said...

I saw your disclaimer.. is it okay if I link your blog to mine?

The Rust said...

That was encouraging. :)

neonangel said...

shirley: sure. you don't sound like a psycho flamer. :D

rust: yeah, i am starting to really like crabb's writings!

Anonymous said...

neonangel: thanks...

island said...

Think Crabb's right. I am familiar with the loneliness that he described in my encouraging of others and service in ministries. Sometimes I feel so lonely that I just feel like giving up giving of myself. Yet God will always gently remind me that I should carry on cos of His love for me.

Think I will go buy the book.

Ms Carpe Diem said...

You're so going to lend me the book neon.

Searched for the book in tecman, acts bookstore (City Hall and Raffles Place), Mount Zion (Somerset MRT), Life Book Store (Suntec, Somerset and Funan) and can't find that book.

So people, if you can get the book, get me one.

neonangel said...

there were a few copies in tecman - right at the back of the store. if you want i can get you a copy. tomorrow. :)

Unknown said...

Hits home with some of the common thoughts that we all have at times..

(PS: Hope you don't mind me reading/linking to ya)

Ms Carpe Diem said...

Err... too late to accept your offer Neon?

I've been to Tecman in Bras Basah Complex on Friday and they were out of stock. They still have other titles by Dr Larry Crabb but not 'Inside Out'. But if you can, would you get me a copy?

Ms Carpe Diem said...

Oh BTW, I've gotten the book from my last resort, winning a yahoo auction - amazingly there was this 1 book up for auction closing in less than a day.

Now's my time to learn patience as I drum my fingers waiting for it to be delivered. :) Prayerfully, it'll come.

So thanks Neon, don't have to bother you to buy the book for me already. Thank you for offering to do it.

neonangel said...

oh yay that's great! lemme know what you think of it

yah inside out is surprisingly sold out everywhere. i was talking about Encouraging - that was still sitting on the shelf of Tecman. :)