Sunday, February 06, 2005

Harry Potter and the Models for Causes

Originally uploaded by neonangel.
harry potter picture in honour of the countdown towards the latest HP book in July. It's my take on poor Harry weeping about his sad little life post events from last book - no parents, no real family, no godfather and now, the threat of a fight to the death with old Voldemort. Gosh, its almost Job-ian.

was at borders today and saw the promotional posters asking everybody to pre-order the latest harry potter installment. funny part was that about ten steps away was the table full of old stock of "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" going for a super slashed down price of $7.95 (U.P. $40)

Heh. i think dont need to preorder lah....the bookstores sure over order. :)

at night had presentation rehearsal with youth group people.....brrrr this sat is the big final presentation in front of the big shot Ministers. nervous or what.

found out my workgroup chairman was an ex-model, another co chair was thinking of investing in modelling agencies, and they found out i was keen on developing my biz into a social enterprise.

so we ended up joking about what kind of social enterprise a model agency could possibly go into. "Models For Causes" - the NGO that looks out for the ugly losers in society and gives them deportment lessons? the NGO that campaigns for everybody to eat and drink as little as possible for sustainability of the Earth (and keeping that weight down)?

haha. Ok. shall stop being evil. :) models are people with feelings too okay? (yet another cause for "Models WIth Causes" to campaign!)

their tagline should be "Don't hate us because we are beautiful." hee

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