Friday, February 04, 2005

just had to blog this before i zzzzed

Originally uploaded by neonangel.
was typing out last blog when nosy father suddenly stands behind me CLEARLY trying to see what I am writing, while asking questions about how people start blogs, are they fro public consumption etc leading questions. I quickly open more windows to cover up blog page.

Pap: what you blogging about?
Me: It's private. Not for you to read
Pap: i thought blog is for everyone to
see on the internet.
Me: You tell the address to those
who you dont mind reading. So
you cannot.

Dad promptlly smacks me with a loud "HaiYAH!" of disgruntlement and walks off to the telly. :)

heehee. poor dad. he must be thinking "pay the girl's university education also dowan to let me see her blog. wah lau, so much money for what." He never got to read my writings or see most of my sketches either....cos i dunno...some stuff is just too odd to expose to parents.

so anyway, in dedication to my dear pap who cannot read the blog...i shall at least feature a fetching picture of him looking like a Triad Hoodlum wannabe.

Love ya pap but you are soooooo not reading my stuff! heehee. childish me.

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