Friday, February 04, 2005

seed of a good idea part 2 of 5 billion

Originally uploaded by neonangel.
for eye candy, am blogging a totally irrelevant sketch i did at a draggy meeting and later photoshopped.... potential graphic novel panel? WIll probably only finally get that graphic novel done when I am 65. :)

met with Mothman, Da Dome of Chrome and FunkMunk to run "seed of a good idea" past them. I am quite the un-detailed about business and God has been kind enough to let me play masak masak for 3 years at the School of Thought.

I never saw myself as an entrepreneur because i dont think in business plans....I think in ideals held together by 40% common sense, 10% Judgment Day induced fearlessness and 50% liberal slatherings of faith.

well the way things are going, and considering this is something i have always asked God to help me do .....well, i guess my time of masak masak is over.

Time to bite da bullet and draft out my first proper grown-up business plan, scary numbers and gasp! 5 year projections and all. brrrrrrrr. corporate lingo and me = oil and water. I HATE powerpoint, HATE writing reports. but the 6 months in youth workgroup has trained me to get over that....when you wanna change the system you gotta learn to play by its rules and use its toys.

if the dream is worth the fight, well its worth reading a couple of boring finance and business books if it helps make the dream REAL.

and btw, FunkMunk, in answer to the 2 trivia questions, I googled and:

1) Yes, Big Bird's dog is BARKLEY. WHOO HOO! I remembered it! Info direct from the Kermitage.

2) Yes, you are right. the world's biggest dog indeed is a mastiff. He is called "Hercules" and he has a "38-inch neck and is 282 pounds of pure dog" scary. BIggest bunny is only 16kg. heh.

sleepy time. zzzz


niceboy said...

funkmunk to chromedome: (in 6-year-old's gleeful tone)heh heh.. my mastiff win your sheep dog! ruff!

arpc said...

the "sheepdog" *is* the Old English Sheepdog.
