Tuesday, May 10, 2005

the one that got away

my little blue phone that threatened to get lost twice last year has finally made its break for freedom.

the first time i lost it on 26th dec, it was hiding happily in a laundry basket, plotting its next move. the second time i misplaced it in a cafe, and the kind cafe owners kept it for me until i returned to retrieve it. well now, finally, on a busride to bugis, i got off the bus and horrors, realised my phone was not in my pocket. I stared at the bus running away far from me and realised my phone had finally got away, giggling its evil little blue heart away.

Was it because I SMS'd so much that I rubbed out every single marking on the number pad?
Was it because I stored so many numbers in it, it occasionally went brain-dead?
Was it because I cruelly knocked it around, spilt stuff on it and recharged it till I halved its battery life? Oh Bluey, Bluey, how little I cherished thee.

With resigned fatalism, I crossed the road, straight for the M1 shop and coughed up hard-earned moolah for a replacement phone and SIM card. To add insult to injury, little Bluey ran away on the 16th month. 2 months short of the 18th month contract thingamajig. Meaning I had to dish out an extra $100 for new phone.

Vengeance was Bluey's. I now have a new phone - its a cool pistachio green little model. hopefully it will stay faithful to me. Shall try and love it better and maybe the second time round, things will work out better.

stupid phone.

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