Tuesday, May 10, 2005

scary to do list

My to do list before leaving for rome is freaking me out.
its more like a "to do" web. I actually drew it out visually as a mind map to clear up my head.
gahhhhhh it will be the most i have ever done in two weeks. Only good thing is at least all the work to be done are stuff that i love and enjoy. It's just a bit much but if can do all, it's quite worth it.

geez. woke up this morning, tired from too little sleep. did bible study about how women should develop "the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit". nice stuff.
i cheered myself up by staring at my big Northwest backpack for Rome.
In 2 weeks, I will be on holiday. comforting, very comforting.

Back to work! whoo-pssssshhhhhh cracks da whip.

1 comment:

neonangel said...

actually i was lazy and evil that's why i did not read it. heehee

lazy - it was 2 full pages long
evil - i thought "eh, it's just catherine lim." i think i let her latest fiction books damage her credibility in my mind.

shall go read it. :)