Friday, August 26, 2005

All Fear The Tongue of Terror!!

Originally uploaded by neonangel.
you know God is a clever clogs. He forewarned us in the Bible many many times about the need to tame that tiny little rudder in our body called the tongue.

We forget that this silly little slab of pink meat can really raise a mighty mountain-sized ruckus. Sit, tongue, sit! Roll over, play dead! We must watch it carefully - it's such a nasty waggly powerful thing.

Pat Robertson, the biggie in America's Religious Right has really shot himself in the foot this time by calling for the assasination of Venezuelan President Chavez on public television. BAH. No wonder people think Christians are religious crackpots. So much for Thou Shall Not Kill, eh.

The guy was the same one who declared 9/11 was due to the rise of feminists and liberals and only true Christians can vote for Bush.

For the record, Robertson apologised in different stages when faced with uproar of public disapproval - first, he said he never said it. then, he said people misunderstood his use of the word "assasinate". THEN, he said he was frustrated so he did not mean what he said.

Argh. Why can't the man just come out and say he was wrong once and for all instead of making an array of excuses? It might have did at least some modicum of good to clean the mess he made.

sigh. ok. please Pat, please, please, no more, no more of those comments. If you worship God, you gotta stop, man. Meanwhile, shall take this as big reminder to measure, measure, measure every thing I say before putting it out there to the world.

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