Tuesday, March 08, 2005

How To Dismantle An Atomic Band ver 2.0

wrote and lost a lengthy post about U2' and am too lazy to attempt it again.
Shall just post a link to a mighty cool article I read in Christianity Today regarding Bono's recent rallying in the USA:

Bono's American Prayer
The world's biggest rock star tours the heartland, talking more openly about his faith as he recruits Christians in the fight against AIDS in Africa.
by Cathleen Falsani | posted 02/21/2003

"No poet—and Bono, the 42-year-old lead singer of the Irish rock band U2, considers himself a poet—enjoys having his verse scrutinized. And no musician likes to have to explain what a song means.

Nevertheless, for more than 20 years Bono's fans have been attempting to gauge his spiritual well-being by what he sings, what he says in interviews, talk shows, and awards programs, and what he does or doesn't do in public...."

Have never been a very big fan of U2 although I love some of their songs. I even went to a U2 concert, pretty much clueless and not liking half the songs (to be fair it was their horrendous POP tour). But reading this article and finding out more about their thinking, the causes they are supporting and actually reading through their lyrics properly...well let's just say today was the day I bought my first U2 album just to support them. :) I already have The Joshua Tree (brother's collection) so I got Everything You Cannot Leave Behind for a start.

Check out this amazing collection of writings about Christianity and U2 from Steven Stockman, a Christian with interests in pop culture and faith. Check out his other articles about Bob Dylan, Goosy Goosy Gander etc.

In light of criticisms from conservative Christians about U2's straddling of dual roles of rock superstardom vs. gospel servanthood, Stockman offers Pastor Tony Compolo's strident but cutting little quote:

"20,000 children have died of hunger today and you don't give a shit! In fact you are more concerned with the fact I used shit than that 20,000 children died of hunger".

Though Bono hardly looks like a Christian artiste and uses many a swear word to punctuate his statements, you cannot fault the man for trying really hard to raise the world's conscience about putting belief ino action. His work to relieve Third World Debt through The Jubilee Movement and fighting for aid for AIDS in Africa is nothing short of brilliance. That is one cool rocker and even cooler Christian. :)

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