Monday, December 27, 2004

Boxing Day strangeness

spent whole day grocery shopping, stoning and finally preparing for dinner tonight with arpc friends. Was throughly fun theme night of "wear nice dinner wear and please wear a hat". Loved the photos TolkeinFanGirl took.. especially those of us posing with her stylin' reindeer hairband. Even cooler part of the night was getting to spend some time catching up over exciting news with TuxedoDiplomat and Dalmaetian.

Strange thing was that after everyone had long left, while cleaning up I finally hear the breaking news about the tsunamis that hit SouthEast Asia at 7am this Boxing Day morning. It has not really hit me yet the extreme devastation that has swept the coasts of Thailand, India, Malaysia, Indoneisia and the poor, poor Maldives.

It was terribly odd: at least 5800 people dead and all I could fathom was the plates in front of me, soapy and crusted with leftovers that needed washing. Am typing this post washing and tupperwaring leftovers, and it still has not really hit me.

man. it must be because i am tired. bet it will hit me tomorrow when i open the papers. Geez, 1000s of lives just wiped away like that.

current music: CNN in the background with its constant chant of "the death toll is rising"
current mood: odd.
a wierd mix of satisfaction from a nice party and curiously detached horror at the catastrophe that was happening. Whole villages swept away as we chopped vegetables, chatted, laughed and took silly pictures? unreal.... :_(

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