Friday, December 24, 2004

christmas eve thoughts - The Power of Truth

Originally uploaded by neonangel.
Was up till 3am, amusing myself doing up christmas gifts. So when I woke today - Christmas eve morning- it was hardly what i expected.

I woke up today, feeling a familiar, old heartache. Sometimes it comes from nowhere, making me give some credence to the whole spiritual warfare talk. It's just odd how these bad moments just pop into your day unannounced.

Anyhow, I had to still myself for a while, praying and asking God to help me fight the familiar fight with my old fears. I even started to talk myself through the moment, as gently and firmly as I would talk any of my friends through their moments. ( Maybe that's why some people think I am a good counsellor.....the secret is I have had so much practice on myself! ha. )

Over the years I have somewhat become my own best counsellor since most of the time when the bad moments come they are at ungodly early or late hours. It does admittedly feel lonely at times though, playing counsellor to yourself. But what to do lah!

The great thing is that once more the knowledge of God broke the hold of the bad moment. I sat for a while amazed with a thought, "Truth is so powerful."

It never fails to amaze me again and again how all the cliches and metaphors about Truth are so freaking accurate - the Truth does set you free, the Truth does pierce like an arrow, the Truth really does shine like a brilliant light in darkness.

I had to journal all the rush of thoughts I was getting about Truth into my quiet time book. Must have gotten 3 pages worth of automatic, stream of consciousness stuff.

How accurate it is to call Satan the Father of Lies - the opposer of a Father of Truth!

I think we forget how revealing it is to call a lie a "half-truth". Half-truths seduce us because of that little fish-hook of reality. Half-truths gain their power over us because we believe the little facet of reality they reflect are all there is.

The fastest way to surgically remove that hook, and undermine the power of a half-truth is to embrace the One who is the Father of Absolute Truth. His Truth dominates over all the sly, little half-truths and show them for what they are. God and His way is the real Be all and End not be fooled by anything else that pretends otherwise.

What is the Truth? I learnt today what Jesus meant when He minimised God's Truth into 2 simple principles.

FIrst, "Love your God with all your heart, all your mind and all your strength." For nothing is more urgent, more illuminating and more liberating than to do so.

I cannot stress this enough. Think about what it means. A total alignment with the Truth of all things, the Alpha and Omega. There is a reason why the Proverbs declare, "The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom."

Then and ONLY then, can you start to realise How and How Much it's going to take to "Love Your Neighbour as Thyself".

All the Laws and all the Prophets hang on those 2 principles. WOW. What an amazing God.....what an amazing amazing concept.

...and you thought because of the happy picture this was going to be an unserious blog...suuuuuucccker. hee.

I did want to post a happy photo for christmas eve and I found this really old one, taken way back by Monkeyboss. It was the first year I set up my school. I remember it was me, Monkey and Stainboy hanging out over canned drinks at the school when I and Stain just started checking out ARPC.

I always think its funny how happy I look in the picture. Because that year was one of the damn toughest ones I had. Check out my eyebags. But darn, do I look okay. And I was okay...little beaten up but okay.

I guess that is the Power of God's Truth. "Though I walk though the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no Evil because You are with me."

Phwoar, is He good or what.
A truly blessed Christmas indeed. :)

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