Wednesday, December 08, 2004

'Cos DND ain't mean Dinner and Dance

Originally uploaded by neonangel.
this was a sketch of the first group of characters my friends and i ever player in our first DND (dungeons and dragons for all you newbies) campaign.

I lovingly dub all my DND drawings as propaganda. This is because while the pictures make us look heroic and worthy, truthfully we played like a bunch of idiots.

the elven rogue (same one from some posts down) fought incessantly with the dwarven cleric. Oh and rogue accidentally acquired vampiric abilities that made her liability.

dwarven cleric had bad habit of drinking every questionable substance in every trap laden room; though he was SUPPOSED to be lawful good, he regularly made unethical choices that caused even his God (in guise of fed up DM) to abandon him.

Elven sorceress traumatised DM by "dirty talking" guards to get them on her side.

i played half elven ranger who could not cast even one stupid Talk With Animals spell because I accidentally placed too low a score under Wisdom trait to allow me to cast magic. Pui. Was not a happy ranger.

fun times. :)

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