Thursday, December 16, 2004

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and My Mother

(interlude - wave to don in comments section :) yeah I think it would be cool if we could just tell societal expectations to bugger off too but that's the reality we are born into and all. And yes, the phenomenon you talked about works for women as well. I was totally crushing on this guy way back in school just because I loved how big brotherly he was with the kids in the latchkey centre we volunteered at. My best friend was appalled and saw nothing attractive in him at all. it was vice cersa with me and her crush. haha. )

+++++++++++part one: eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!
was supposed to prep for dinner tomorrow with friends but had splitting headache and decided to vege out in front of tv. Been meaning to watch Eternal Sunshine for a while cos I heard such great stuff about it. Personally, I always thought JIm Carrey had lots of potential as a dramatic actor since I saw Truman Show and Liar Liar. Kate Winslet is always a favourite of mine....strange thing is I never really like the roles she plays but I love the way she plays them. She has got the "seh" - some intelligent, classy, earthy x-factor that I love.

Anyhow, I liked the movie a lot. What a year for intelligent, un Hollywood romantic movies! My top 3 romance movies this year would be Eternal Sunshine, 2046 and Before Sunset. In particular I thought the ending was clever....won't it really be crazy if we could enter relationships with eyes wide open to each other's general sinfulness and assorted horrible aspects instead of eyes wide shut? It was interesting to see how stunned the 2 characters were to hear themselves say absolutely horrible things about each other on tape and wonder how did they manage to reach that point before. Clever play on our idealisation of romance. Must think about it a little more. :) Mark Ruffalo from 13 going on 30 was in the show as well...he plays the ruffled, almost nerdish rogue type well. One of those actors whose charisma comes from his "real-ness" I guess. Like the total opposite of George "Cary Grant 2" Clooney. (whom i loved in ocean's 11!)

+++++++++part deux: tales of my mah-der and fadder

Off to make my maiden attempt at Lychee Kulfi. My mother has already deflated my enthusiasm slightly by making snide comment about how kulfi is very "nan-chi" (chinese for difficult or gross to eat) sigh. Everytime I cook, my mother hovers around like I am 12, messing about the kitchen, ready to blow up the house to bits. Up to now she still calls me to remind me to turn off the stove or iron "in case the house burns down". It drives me batty. I could be 50 and still getting calls like that.

This is why I rarely cook for my parents. If it is not chinese food, and is not in their style of chinese food, it is always "nan chi", And they wonder why I tell them I hate cooking for them cos they are so darn picky!

Have recklessly put myself in firing squad and offered to cook Christmas Eve dinner for them....Japanese food is counted acceptable.......hold breath.....must. ....prepare..... for. ....critique....! must....honour.....thy...father....and ...mother!

wish me luck. :) I love my parents but man!.....I am always going to be 12 and "bu dong si" in their eyes. geeeeeeeeeez..

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